“Home” Cast Announced

Posted: October 21, 2022 10:40 am


We are excited to announce the cast of our upcoming production, “Home.” The show is a series of related skits, some comedic and some dramatic, which merge in the final scene.

Starring in the skits called “Needing Home” are Nessa Kane as a child, Rick Scheffert as a tyrannasaurus rex, Carol Kelly as Miss Piggy, Jonathan Buhl and Violet Hatfield as a couple, and Elizabeth Lippert Kane as a social worker.

“Redefining Home” stars Braunwyn Darrington, Maxxx Madcap, and Margret Zook as woodpeckers, with Rick Scheffert, Elizabeth Lippert Kane, Jonathan Buhl, Violet Hatfield, Harper Menke, Olivia Blake, and Taylor Vick as the woodpecker flock.  Also within “Redefining Home,” Sally Laybourn, Leslie Campbell, Mark Whelan, Elizabeth Lippert Kane, and Taylor Vick are astronauts and the astronauts’ friends and families.

“Finding Home” features Rick Scheffert, Sheryl Scheffert, Maxxx Madcap, Kris Larson, and Carol Kelly as nursing home residents, Braunwyn Darrington and Mark Whelan as a CNAs, Margret Zook as grandchild of a nursing home resident, and Matt Spencer as a homeless person.

The skits called “Home” star Olivia Blake, Elizabeth Lippert Kane, and Braunwyn Darrington, and as Brandy and her family, and Harper Menke, Molly Holkesvik, Rick Scheffert as Emma and her family, with Matt Spencer as the umpire at a baseball game.

“Home” is written and directed by Molly Holkesvik and Sheryl Scheffert. It will be performed at New Minowa Players Theatre, 906 South Mill Street Decorah, November 4-6. Performance times be Friday, November 4 at 7:00, Saturday, November 5 at both 2:00 and 7:00, and Sunday, November 6 at 2:00. Tickets are available at newminowaplayers.ludus.com and locally at the Oneota Community Food Co-op.